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Frederick J Hargro

Frederick J. Hargro

Public Servant


Management Analyst

I am innovative and driven with 29 years of communications, administrative and analytical experiences. I can identify problems and develop sound solutions that increase productivity. I can manage several tasks concurrently while maintaining quality assurance. I possess outstanding communications skills; I can complete assigned task while recognizing implied directives.

Work Experience

Department of Veterans Affairs

Veterans Health Administration

Geriatrics and Extended Care
Management Analyst
October 2020 to Present
    • Designed and migrated new SharePoint site from a legacy SharePoint to a modern SharePoint Online design

    • Set permission levels for pages, list, documents

    • Reviewed/scrubbed site of unrestricted Personal Identifiable Information

    • Designated roles and responsibilities for GEC Staff

    • Created Power BI dashboards that were integrated into the GEC SharePoint

    • Create new pages and update outdated information

    • Actively seek feedback from both users and key stakeholders to ensure all pertinent information was presented

    • WebVRAM Business Unit Administrator

    • Assist staff with requesting access to CPRS/VistA

    • Add and remove staff to the WebVRAM  Portal

    • Research and adding appropriate Secondary Menu and Security Keys for clinicians. Removing security keys not needed

    • Assisting staff with synchronizing their access allowing to various VAMC sites' medical records

    • Maintain global memorandum of understanding for staff to have access to all VHA VistA sites remotely

    • Maintain a listing of all Staff PIV Card expirations dates

    • Initiated the PIV Sponsor process 6 months out from their PIV card expiration

    • Submit Staff and contractors request for fingerprinting for background checks

    • Setup automated mandatory monthly training deficient reports to leadership

    • Establish/Reactivate TMS profiles for office contractors & removed and training no longer required

    • Use Profile Maintenance to update supervisors, assign new staff to the 12GEC Domain, deactivate staff profiles that have retired or departed the Veterans Affairs

    • Manually record learning for staff when TMS fails to automatically reflect training as completed

    • Create Purchase Orders (PO) in IFCAP and make purchase equipment, supplies and software

    • Reconcile the US Bank charge and IFCAP PO in a timely manner

    • Use Vendor Lookup to verify if a vendor is a VA Authorized vendor. If vendors are not an authorized vendor, I collect information from the vendor to submit for vendorization

    • Maintain all pertinent documentation such as receiving reports, approvals and invoices for audit purposes

    • Maintain the 12GEC call back roster in the event of an emergency event in the US capitol region or national emergency event

    • Attend the VHA Emergency Response Meeting to keep GEC Leadership informed about the latest VA Emergency Preparedness efforts

    • Developed Office Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) including Order of Succession for key leaders, communication plan enrolling key staff into Wireless Priority Service (WPS)

    • VA EAAS Operator - create and publish an AdHoc alerts - create a weather alert rule - building evacuation - emergency situation events  - manage operator roles and permissions – create static and dynamic distribution list

    • Utilize ArcGIS Pro software and the VHA GIS Enterprise Portal to develop in-depth location intelligence. Combining modern health information systems and enterprise data to create varies layered maps and polygons such  maps that show vulnerable  veteran patients that reside   reside in a flood zone along a river impacted by a tornado in real time

    • Assist staff with getting vendorized allowing them to establish a CONCUR account

    • Submit request for new staff’s CONCUR Profiles transfer to station 133

    • Provide guidance and interpret on VA Federal Travel Policy

    • Assist staff with creating a Travel Authorization (TA) and address concerns about violating VA Travel Policy

    • Provide staff training staff on creating and processing vouchers once they return from a trip. Also assist staff with running a audit and Compliance reports on travel authorizations and voucher

    • Review Travel Authorizations and Vouchers for adherence to VA Travel Policy and correct line of accounting and BOC. Certify or return TA/voucher as need to the traveler with comments

    • complete inventory of Business Operations Records and sensitive files IAW RCS 10-1 and GRS

    • Insured all proper dispositions were followed based on regulation guidance having records destroyed or transferred to National Records Archive

    • Communicated with 12PCS Communication Team for review and approval process

    • Developed infographics to educate staff of different processes that utilize visual cues to make the data easier to understand

    • Created engaging email templates that to keep the reader’s attention. Allowing for the message to resonate with its intended audience

    • Designated roles and responsibilities for GEC Staff

    • Created Power BI dashboards that were integrated into the GEC SharePoint

    • Created new automated VIEWS Tracker Report using Salesforce that captures every GEC Open VIEWS Case replacing the Excel VIEWS Tracker

    • Created new automated Action Tracker using SharePoint list that automatically highlighted actions on the due date and past due items with a different color based on its status replacing the Excel Action Tracker

    • Established a training SOP/procedure for staff to request training via SF 182 that reduced the processing time of training approvals

    • Created several surveys using Microsoft Forms that captured such items staff training needs, customer service levels and emergency contact data

    • Provide training to staff on how to complete travel authorizations /travel vouchers and how to update their VA EAAS profile and download the mobile VA EAAS App

    • Wrote VBA script that scanned Microsoft Word documents and made automated correction in accordance with the  VA Style guide for rules such as using the correct spacing after punctions, making sure the "V" in Veteran is always capitalize . Item that go beyond MS grammar and spell check

    • Based on new guidelines from VA Travel, I created a Cost Comparison Form that used Java Script to automatically calculate travel expense for taking a POV vs expense for rideshare/taxi that calculates the most cost effective option for the government (GEC Form 1)

    • Assist new staff changing their Approving Official in the Remote Access Portal

    • Process User Account Transfers for incoming employees Active Directory to the VHA Domain

    • Request new software/equipment for staff using the YourIT Portal

    • Designated roles and responsibilities for GEC Staff

    • Assist staff to resolve minor computer issues that do not require OIT admin rights

    • Ensure all required TW mandatory training has been completed such as Rules of Behavior and Privacy Policy

    • Review TW form for signatures and accurate information

    • Utilize VATAS to validate timecards for supervisors to certify

    • Send VATAS Reports for saved timecards that need approval

    • Process request for premium pay such as overtime and comp time earn

    • Submit leave request on behalf of staff as a proxy when staff are not available

    • Process corrected timecards

    • Advise staff to assist with submitting FLMA Request

    • Reconcile issues that prevent a timecard from being approved such as when their is submitted leave request that are not approved

Cyber Security /Digital Marketing Consultant

July 2017  to Present
    • Designed and migrated new SharePoint site from a legacy SharePoint to a modern SharePoint Online design

    • Set permission levels for pages, list, documents

    • Reviewed/scrubbed site of unrestricted Personal Identifiable Information

    • Designated roles and responsibilities for GEC Staff

    • Created Power BI dashboards that were integrated into the GEC SharePoint

    • Create new pages and update outdated information

    • Actively seek feedback from both users and key stakeholders to ensure all pertinent information was presented

    • Use Lightweight Directory Access Protocol LDAP Service to confirm open ports and slap cat coding to extract passwords

    • Use Microsoft Active Directory Domain Services to assign roles and enable/disable features

    • Use tools such as Karli Linux Dmitry to retrieve publicly available information on the organization such as internal subdomains

    • Manage clients Email marketing campaigns assisting companies with conversion rates and increasing that companies brand awareness, generating increased website traffic thus driving my client’s sales and revenue

    • Devise Social Media Marketing Campaigns for clients which consist of helping companies to build relationships, brand awareness. I am active on all relevant social media sites such as TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and Pinterest. I not only design great ads, but also use these sites algorithms to my client’s advantage

    • Provide Graphic Design Services to create logos, animated characters and infographics flow charts that use minimum text to convey easy-to-understand engaging visuals

    • Utilize Google Analytics setup data collection for apps, track and analyze visitors on client’s website, provides key insights into how a website is performing, Wrote Python Script that daily scraped clients’ competitors websites autonomously for data providing clients insight on the competition

    • Use software such as Blender and photoshop to create 3D designs used for digital marketing

Department of Veterans Affairs

Veterans Health Administration

VHA Office of Finance
January  2012 to October 2020
Program Specialist
    • Designed and migrated new SharePoint site from a legacy SharePoint to a modern SharePoint Online design

    • Set permission levels for pages, list, documents

    • Reviewed/scrubbed site of unrestricted Personal Identifiable Information

    • Designated roles and responsibilities for GEC Staff

    • Created Power BI dashboards that were integrated into the GEC SharePoint

    • Create new pages and update outdated information

    • Actively seek feedback from both users and key stakeholders to ensure all pertinent information was presented

    • Successfully migrated VHA Office of Finance from VAIQ to VIEWS for tracking documents used for obtaining  concurrences and submitting recommended edits  to the Executive Secretariat

    • Proofed letters and memorandums for grammatical correctness and to ensured proper salutations are used for congressional committee Chairman and Chairwoman and their members

    • Reviewed responses for proper spacing and indenting

    • Reviewed and analyzed actions received from Office of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Congress and the White House and external agencies such as Office of Budget Management and Government Accountability Office to determine VHA Finance plan of action and appropriate delegation

    • Monitored office Action Email Group and prepared daily Action Report of critical suspense data to provide to senior management of VHA Office of Finance and perform daily reconciliation for overdue assignments and perform investigation/resolution of all past due assignments

Department of Veterans Affairs

Veterans Health Administration

New York Harbor Healthcare System
Program Support Assistant
October 2008 to January 2012
    • Maintained a database that tracked percentage of patients with Hepatitis; STDs and other infectious diseases within the New York Harbor Healthcare System that was then reported to the NYC Department of Health and the Center for Disease Control

    • Implemented changes converting Infection Control reports to electronic format from paper that has allowed IC Doctors and Nurses to receive the reports in a timelier manner 

    • Submitted data in NHSN database using Structured Query Language (SQL) to analyze and applied common coding convention, rationale relationships and syntax. This database was used to store and retrieve data on patients that had surgeries, including information such as type of surgery; doctor performing surgery; implants; length of surgery; age; sex and acquired infections as a result of surgery

    • Tracked nurse proficiencies in the New York Harbor Healthcare System to ensure that all nurses’ proficiencies were submitted in a timely manner by coordinating with the different Care Lines Managers

    • Produced reports that reflected data from different perspectives using filters and pivot tables that showed percentage of late proficiencies by Care Line

    • Tracked nurse's personnel actions and annual bonus, promotion and in grade step increases

    • Recorded which nurses were entitled to a promotion, conversion to full time staff nurse, or a incentive cash award (bonus) for superior performance and step increase, then processed these actions

    • Utilized WebHR Automated Customer Edition to requests Personnel Actions (SF52) promotions, LWOP, recruitment

    • Participated in training exercises/drills which prepares DEMPS members to respond disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, flood, nuclear or terrorist attacked with mass casualties

    • DEMPS are prepared to be activated when state and local resources cannot handle the response/recovery process and is overwhelmed

    • Monitored and stayed abreast of emergency management events via LiveProcess which is a platform that allows emergency preparedness

    • Team Leader for NY Harbor VHA Decontamination Team. The DECON Team is the medical center response to events involving hazardous material or terrorist events. I lead monthly drills and exercises that were evaluated by consulting firm Booze Allen and Hamilton that simulated the use of WMD including biological and chemical warfare agents

    • Counter threat Sources such as Hackers, Insiders; Activist non-state actors; Terrorists; Foreign Agents/IO activities against military units

    • Assist Combat commanders with Information Superiority

    • Completed security assessments of military installations networks and policies as it regards to their computer information systems and physical security

    • Conducted Counter-Intelligence activity identifying military members not practicing sound operational security practices

    • CND-SP Incident Responder (CND-IR)-I-investigate and analyze all response activities related to cyber incidents within the NE or Enclave

    • Perform test analysis to detect Network Intrusions and updating systems with patches to prevent future intrusions

    • Analyzed advanced persistent threats and deploy countermeasures and conduct risk and vulnerability assessments of planned and installed information systems

US Army Reserve

1st Information Operation Command

302nd Information Operation Battalion
Web Operations/Informational Security Officer (OPSEC)
October 2008 to January 2012

Department of Veterans Affairs

Veterans Health Administration

Centralized Patient Accounting Center (CPAC) William Hefner VAMC Salisbury, NC  
Program Support Assistant
October 2007 to October 2008
    • Member of a Centralized Patient Accounting Center (CPAC) team that received 98 percent of our 2008 first quarter goals for revenue activity

    • Lead Customer Service Clerk determining the best course of action to resolve veteran’s billing issues that were received via walk-ins, phone calls, mail, and Health Revenue Center messages

    • Reviewed medical records in CPRS and VISTA and liaison with the Lead Pharmacist and the department’s Resource Utilization Nurse to determine if veterans were billed for procedures that were related to their service connected disability

    • Assisted veteran’s with completing their Means Test. Also advised veterans on completing waivers and payment plans for medical copays

    • I tracked veterans’ reimbursement for when veterans were billed erroneously and were due a refund

    • Coordinated with the Health Administrative Service about veteran’s priority groups for medical treatment based on their service connected percentage and if they were exempted from co-pays

US Army Reserve

354 Civil Affairs Brigade

Riverdale MD
Civil Affairs Specialist
2002 - 2008
    • Organized and managed camps for dislocated person due to armed conflicts in their region/vicinity

    • Managed contracts for International Development Projects to have roads, hospitals, and schools built in Ghazni Afghanistan

    • Planned humanitarian missions in countries affected by events such as hurricanes, earthquakes and other natural disasters providing basic life sustaining necessities such as food, potable water, shelter and medical care while coordinating efforts with NGO such as the Red Crescent, Doctors Without Borders and the United Nations

    • Managed contracts for International Development Projects to have roads, hospitals, and schools etc… built in Ghazni Afghanistan

    • Researched the policies and limitations of our projects. The OHDACA, CERP and other funds where appropriated by different agencies such as the State department, USAID, and DoD. Each agency-imposed restrictions and monetary limitations set by U.S. Congress on what their funds could be allocated for based on Public Laws. I researched these policies to ensure that we were in accordance with all projects before commencing

    • Advised military commanders legal and moral obligations concerning the treatment of the indigenous population

    • Coordinating contractors to perform improvements to public

    • communications; coordinating public works, utilities, and transportation operations in support of the civil affairs mission

    • Conducted searches for contraband weapons such as rocket propelled grenades and anti-aircraft guns. Organized an amnesty program "Weapons for Cash" in Afghanistan

    • Conducted research on the Afghani Prison System and prisoners in the Ghazni Province.  Worked with U.S. Counter-intelligence to verify background information on individuals that sought to provide services to U. S. Military to identify possible conflict of interest. Used databases such as TIGER (Tactical Intelligence Generation and Evaluation Rely) and others

US Army 

Active Duty

Varies Location
Human Resources Specialist
1992 - 1999
    • Reviewed consolidated reports, statistics, applications, and prepares recommendations for personnel actions to higher headquarters

    • Monitored suspense actions; initiates, monitors, and processes personnel evaluations; transfers records; processes soldiers for separation and retirement

    • Maintained the Standard Installation and Division Personnel Reporting System (SIDPERS) database. Ran ad hoc queries of defined fields to extract data as needed


  • Bachelors of Arts, Political Science, The University of North Carolina Charlotte; Charlotte NC

  • Civil Affairs Specialist Course, US Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, Fort Bragg, North Carolina

  • Masters of Cyber Operation, University of Maryland Global Campus (Currently Enrolled) 

Technological/Additional Skill

  • Extensive Knowledge of Microsoft Suite of software Word, PowerPoint, Projects, Publisher, Excel, Power Bi, Power Automate

  • Ability to harvest data via internet resources such as JSTOR, Lexus Nexus, SPSS, SAS; Oracle, ProClarity; Structured Query Language, (SQL); Hoovers, Corporate Data Warehouse

  • Completely versed in the program VISTA (Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture) and CPRS (Computerized Patient Record System)

  • Ability to install PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) digital certificates allowing veterans personal data to be transmitted confidentially without compromise

  • Have knowledge of Java Script, Python and VBA Programing

  • Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) 

US Army

Defense Courier Service

Frankfurt, Germany
Defense Courier
1999 - 2002
    • Escorted highly classified and sensitive material from United States including State Department diplomatic pouches to US Embassies and sensitive sites such as NATO HQ (SHAPE), Other Intelligence sites throughout Europe

    • Maintain Security of SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility) ensuring no material was compromised or lost

    • Directly supported operations that involved Office of the US President, Unified and Specified CINCs, joint military operations, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, NSA, CIA, U.S. allies, Department of State, and other federal agencies

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